
A quickstart guide to create a minikube cluster and setup "Logging Operator" on it.


In order to setup redis-operator, you'll need access to a Kubernetes cluster:-

  • Virtualbox - hypervisor to run a Kubernetes cluster

  • Minikube - for Kubernetes cluster creation on the local machine

  • Kubectl - to interact with Kubernetes cluster

Deploying Logging Operator

For deployment of the Logging Operator, we need a Kubernetes runtime environment. We will use minikube for that purpose

minikube start --vm-driver virtualbox --cpus=4 --memory=8000

Now we can use kubectl to connect with the Kubernetes cluster.

Namespace Creation

Since we are going to use pre-baked manifests of Kubernetes in that case we need to setup the namespace with a specific name called "logging-operator".

kubectl create ns logging-operator

CRD Setup

So we have already pre-configured CRD in config/crd directory. We just have to run a magical kubectl commands.

kubectl apply -f config/crd/

RBAC Setup

Similar like CRD, we have pre-baked RBAC config files as well inside config/rbac which can be installed and configured by kubectl.

kubectl apply -f config/rbac/

Operator Deployment

Once all the initial steps are done, we can create the deployment for "Logging Operator". The deployment manifests for the operator are present inside config/manager/manager.yaml file.

kubectl apply -f config/manager/manager.yaml

Deploy EFK Cluster

We have a few samples manifests files inside config/sample.

kubectl apply -f config/samples/


kubectl de;ete -f config/samples/
kubectl delete -f config/manager/manager.yaml
kubectl delete -f config/rbac/
kubectl delete -f config/crd/
kubectl delete ns logging-operator

Last updated

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