
In this document you will find a step-by-step guide on how to get redis-operator running in a local Minikube cluster. You will run a simple standalone and cluster mode of Redis.


In order to setup redis-operator, you'll need access to a Kubernetes cluster:-

  • Virtualbox - hypervisor to run a Kubernetes cluster

  • Minikube - for Kubernetes cluster creation on local machine

  • Kubectl - to interact with Kubernetes cluster

Deploying Redis Operator(Minikube)

Start a local minikube cluster

Minikube is a minimal Kubernetes cluster run in a virtual machine (here in VirtualBox).

minikube start --vm-driver virtualbox

From now on your local Kubernetes client kubectl is configured to use your just started Minikube cluster.

Create a new namespace

First, we need to create a namespace for our resources to be deployed in. This is for the sake of separation and keeping order:

kubectl create namespace redis-operator

Redis operator by default watches for every change in Redis Configuration.

Standalone Redis Setup

kubectl apply -f example/redis-standalone-example.yaml -n redis-operator

Cluster Redis Setup

kubectl apply -f example/redis-cluster-example.yaml -n redis-operator


# To delete standalone setup
kubectl delete -f example/redis-standalone-example.yaml -n redis-operator
# To delete cluster setups
kubectl delete -f example/redis-cluster-example.yaml -n redis-operator

Last updated

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